How to make a UAR (UTAU installer Archive) file

Hi! Today i will show you 

How to make a UAR (UTAU installer Archive) file

a UAR is an executable file that installs an UTAU for you.

To create a UAR file, first isolate your voicebank in a folder. Then create a .TXT file called "install.txt".

This file should have the following content:


folder=<name of the voicebank folder>.

contentsdir=<What appears under the voice folder>.

description=<Small description of the voice for your UTAU>.





description=Kasane Teto Sakebi (Extra Shout/Power VCV bank)

Save this and put it with the isolated voicebank. Then select the folder and the .TXT file and send it to .ZIP. Then edit the file extension to .UAR and you are done!

Let me know if you need any help :)

